OUR NEXT COHORT BEGINS in 2023, apply here

Hello and welcome! I am so inspired by your curiosity. Awaken is a sacred 12-week container, meeting in a bi-weekly community group online, designed to traverse our process of discovery, awareness, transformation, regulating, expansion, stabilizing, alignment, and harmony to become who we are meant to be in a safe and supportive environment. So powerful, yeah!? We will begin with actively releasing any limiting beliefs and programs that hold us back and keep us stuck so we can live fully with presence, abundance, permission to evolve, love, trust, expand, and grow. We will widen our window of tolerance and develop sustainable tools including breathwork, meditation, somatic experiencing, presencing, and working with IFS, polyvagal, and patterning. You will leave with a clearer and more robust awareness of yourself and a new level of freedom and trust, unshackled from the past, with a greater capacity for forgiveness, trauma resolution, nervous system regulation, and deeper integration and integrity.

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The pillars we will cover throughout:

Beginning - meeting the inner child, discovering how we got here and why we move like we do, connecting, repairing ruptures, deepening trust, and becoming the divine parent, nurturing, nourishing.

Contraction - accessing the pain, suffering, and trauma through our discovery with immense safety, acceptance, and compassion to reveal survival strategy and patterns, strengthening our presence through embodiment tools such as meditation, breathwork, and somatic healing. Breaking the cycles, programs, and overcoming.

Reveal & unfold - allowing yourself to be revealed to yourself, calling all of your parts and protectors forward, discovering your desires and longings, recognizing and working with our dysregulation, misalignment, and accepting to allow for right-living, regulation, and flow.

Surrender and source, the divine Mother - exploring and expanding the sacred feminine, coming home, the landing fully in our bodies.

Truth & integrity, sourcing the divine Father - exploring and expanding the sacred masculine, setting boundaries, regulating the nervous system, developing tools to sustain you.

Alignment & sovreignty - moving from a place of nourished and resourced response, expanding well-being and embodiment, stepping into ownership and empowerment of and in our life, making space to matter, for ourselves and others, living the Truth.

Rebirth - stepping into our truth, power, and mastery, revealing yourself to the world, opening to connection, love, partnership (or deepening it), abundance, and aligned-living intentionally.

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A few possible advantages of joining:

  • A greater sense and awareness of self with deep embodiment

  • Forgiveness

  • Making space and taking space

  • Gratitude

  • Trigger & trauma repair

  • Open neutrality

  • Emotional growth, resilience, and mastery

  • Releasing yourself from & coexisting to the past

  • Better boundaries

  • Inner child development

  • Healthy relationship to self and others

  • Harmony within the work/life balance

  • New skills and a robust toolbox

  • Greater Awareness and acceptance


  • Regulation and cohesion within and with others

  • Healing parental wounds

  • Connection

  • Greater inner referencing and resourcing

  • Anxiety release

  • Self-acceptance and compassion

  • Replacing coping mechanisms with sustainable rituals

  • Releasing what no longer serves you

  • Healing trauma, personal, generational, ancestral

  • Enhanced well-being

  • Energetic alignment

  • Greater capacity for expression, emoting, and receiving

  • Integration & transformation

  • Alignment & presence

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You have some healing to do

You desire more for yourself and your life

You’d like to find a tribe/community of like-intentioned humans

You have trauma

You hate your job

You love connecting with other humans on the healing journey

You struggle to keep it all together or even have a sense of yourself

You want to release comparison, lack, judgment, scarcity, perfectionism

You are tired from fighting the battles in your own heart and mind daily

You are tired of being the victim

You are often out of or disconnected from your body

You want to reclaim your sovereignty

Or any other reason leading to sensations of lack, stuckness, dysregulation, maladaptive responses, and suffering, or a want for more.


What you can expect:

Absolute safety Clarity Perspective shifts Journal prompts Somatic and energetic healing
Breathwork Meditation Embodiment Judgment-free Space to matter
Access to me weekly Healing Encouragement Accountability Support Connection
Sustainable growth Skills for the future A soft place to land Community Opportunity